Shop Closure – Covid-19

We have taken the very difficult decision of shutting the shop for the foreseeable future.

We feel strongly that the public should adhere to the Government advice of social distancing and self isolation to best combat the fight against Coronavirus.

The shop is however well stocked with balls & games to keep you occupied at home, so if customers would like equipment to help them stay physically and mentally active, we can help.

Customers are able to email us at to enquire about the availability of stock. We can accept payments on-line and are able to provide contact free delivery to local residents.

We are also doing a contact free pick up & drop-off for Cricket Bat Services. Again, please email the shop for more information.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our loyal customers and Affiliate Club Members for their custom over the years and their recent well wishes during such a difficult time.

Like many small, independent businesses we hope that we will survive this unprecedented event and that we can open again at some stage in the future.

In the meantime I’d like to wish you all a very safe and healthy time during this period of uncertainty.

David & the staff of Teddington Sports.